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New York

What Happens in Cancun Stays in Cancun | Tiffany & Ly

May 25, 2009

Attention ladies and gentlemen (drum rolls),

It is my absolute pleasure to finally announce that Tiffany and Ly has finally tied the knot. And out of all places, these New Yorkers picked my favorite location – CANCUN, Mexico! For those who do not know who these two are, they are my favorite couple from New York. The links below are their engagement photographs during my stay in Manhattan, New York:

SOHO, Manhattan
Meat Packing District

Their wedding was hosted at Casa Magna Marriott in Cancun. That hotel was immaculate and the food / service were to stellar! Tiffany and Ly had an outside wedding along the beach overlooking the turquoise ocean. Check it out!

Casa Magna Marriott
Cancun, Mexico
Boulevard Kukulcan, Retorno Chac L-41, Zona Hotelera
Cancun, Quintana Roo 77500 Mexico
Phone: 52 998 881 2000
Fax: 52 998 881 2085

The following is a same day edit fusion video that the The Bui Brothers helped film and put together for the reception.

Tiffany’s balcony view of Cancun!

cancun mexico wedding pictures

Tiffany’s beautiful wedding dress and accessories =)

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cancun mexico wedding pictures

cancun mexico wedding pictures

cancun mexico wedding pictures

The ladies had a few minutes to photograph a sassy group wedding photograph down in the lobby at Marriott

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cancun mexico wedding pictures

Now that’s style. Dolce and Gabbana shoes and Louis Vuitton belt!!!

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cancun mexico wedding pictures

cancun mexico wedding pictures

cancun mexico wedding pictures

This was my favorite wedding photo of the day! It is always a touching part of the wedding when a parent walks their daughter down the aisle.

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cancun mexico wedding pictures

cancun mexico wedding pictures

Ahhhh, the first kiss as husband and wife! I always love this part in weddings!

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cancun mexico wedding pictures

cancun mexico wedding pictures

I utilized the extremely windy day for this really cool solo wedding photo of Tiffany =P

cancun mexico wedding pictures

cancun mexico wedding pictures

When the sun was setting, it lent its beautiful golden light into the lobby for this picture!

cancun mexico wedding pictures

Classy piano for a classy timeless image.

cancun mexico wedding pictures

cancun mexico wedding pictures

Congratulations Tiffany and Ly! I will post Tiffany and Ly’s Trash the Dress session in Tulum soon!

Stay tuned,

Doug – Contact Me!

Furious Photographers | Furious Photographers Blog | Wedding Photography Portfolio

Crossing the Bridge in NY | Ann & Arun

October 23, 2008


I finally found some time to post my third and final engagement session from my last trip to New York City. The other two engagement sessions before Ann and Arun were Tiffany and Ly and Gina and Harvey. Ann and Arun preferred a more quiet engagement session – especially that of New York traffic. We ended up at the neighborhood in Brooklyn where “The Cosby Show” was supposed to replicate. This part of Brooklyn was an amazing place that gave a feel of suburban lifestyle.

We couldn’t help ourselves when we saw these steps!

Brooklyn Engagement Photography

The view of Manhattan from Brooklyn.

Brooklyn Engagement Photography

I found this to be a timeless portrait =)

Brooklyn Engagement Photography

We snapped away during our walk towards DUMBO (Down Under Manhattan Bridge Overpass). Apparently, it is a famous location where Brooklyn Bridge and the Manhattan Bridge meet.

Brooklyn Engagement Photography

Brooklyn Engagement Photography

Brooklyn Engagement Photography

Here is DUMBO!

Brooklyn Engagement Photography


Brooklyn Engagement Photography

Brooklyn Engagement Photography

We were all dizzy, but it was definitely worth it!

Brooklyn Engagement Photography

Thank you Ann and Arun for the tour of Brooklyn. I will definitely revisit that place on my next trip to New York City, which actually might be next month!


Doug – Contact Me!
Furious Photographers | Furious Photographers Blog | Destination Wedding Photography | Wedding Photography Portfolio

Cat Walking through SoHo | Gina & Harvey

October 14, 2008


Thank you Tiffany and Ly for introducing Harvey and Gina to us! These two spirited investment bankers met while at work a couple of months ago. Gina is aspiring to be a model [and Harvey is conveniently handsome], so she dragged Harvey to take pictures with her. I think the black and whites came out stunningly (see below)!

It was a chilly afternoon, which is why we all went to a random bar to get drinks. This gave us the impression that we were not cold – haha. Anyway, please enjoy!

This is Harvey!

new york fashion photographs

This is Gina!

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new york fashion photographs

Got to love the flares!

new york fashion photographs

new york fashion photographs

new york fashion photographs

I heart meat and photography and nice people.

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I got to do this for my next wedding!

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So dreamy and romantic!

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new york fashion photographs

This one is my favorite! I added the smoke texture to give it a rough feel. If you dig it, comment! Yes, I am talking to you stalkers 😎

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new york fashion photographs

new york fashion photographs

new york fashion photographs

new york fashion photographs

A last good bye look lol

new york fashion photographs

What a fun day with these two. On my third day in New York, I photographed one last couple. The post will come soon after I get some rest. *red eyes*


Doug – Contact Me!
Furious Photographers | Furious Photographers Blog | Destination Wedding Photography | Wedding Photography Portfolio

Back to NYC! | Tiffany & Ly

October 14, 2008

Hi peeps,

Remember Tiffany and Ly? In case you do not, we photographed them a while ago also in New York City (SOHO). Since Harvey and Gina (Tiffany and Ly’s friends) graced us with the opportunity to photograph their engagement/fashion session, Tiffany and Ly asked me to photograph them as well, which is always a pleasant opportunity because they are such nice people.

After shooting a wedding on Saturday, I took the red eye flight to New York to get ready for this session on Sunday. Anyway, we photographed most of our session at the “Meat Packing District,” which is now converted into a trendy neighborhood. The Meat Packing District was heavily used for “Sex and the City” television show. New Yorkers should know where this is – awesome location!

Some inspiration never hurt! O_o

meat packing district new york

meat packing district new york

We tried with picking Tiffany up…

meat packing district new york

…but that pose seems harder than it looks on television.

meat packing district new york

There’s the Meat Packing District!

meat packing district new york

meat packing district new york

Random NYC cab driver taking photos with Tiffany. In retrospect, who wouldn’t want to?

meat packing district new york

meat packing district new york

meat packing district new york

meat packing district new york

meat packing district new york

That is one smoking bike! I never quite understood the reason for all of the noise for Harleys, but people dig it.

meat packing district new york

meat packing district new york

meat packing district new york

meat packing district new york

Overall, it is always an adventure with Tiffany and Ly. I love them and I love New York. I cannot wait until I can go back.


Doug – Contact Me!
Furious Photographers | Furious Photographers Blog | Destination Wedding Photography | Wedding Photography Portfolio

Modern Rome! Engagement | Tiffany & Ly

August 25, 2008

Good morning!

Two weeks ago, Doug and I went to New York City to photograph a lovely couple – Tiffany and Ly. Their wedding will be held in Cancun, Mexico next year! We started our session in Central Park where they wanted more romantic pictures. Afterwards, Tiffany and Ly wanted some edgier pictures in the urban Manhattan, New York.

Central Park and Manhattan were full of photography opportunities! We really didn’t have to even to think of cool places to shoot. Turn the corner and there would be another spot! 🙂

new york engagement photography

Central Park – Belvedere Castle

new york engagement photography

This is Doug showing how the pose should look HAHA Look at those cute cuddly eyes…

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new york engagement photography

new york engagement photography

new york engagement photography

Central Park – Bethesada Terrace & Angel of Water Fountain

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new york engagement photography

new york engagement photography

new york engagement photography

When we were leaving Central Park, we ran into a really good singer. We asked Tiffany and Ly if they would like to dance for a few minutes.

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new york engagement photography

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new york engagement photography

New York Metro Subway

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new york engagement photography

Once exiting the subway in SOHO (New York City), we saw a discarded office chair on the sidewalk. Doug and I looked at each other and grinned. 🙂 Making sure that it was safe to sit on, we planted the office chair in the middle of the busy sidewalk. We asked Tiffany and Ly to hold still while we dragged the shutter so that the pedestrians will have a nice motion blur.

new york engagement photography

The following image is one of our favorites! We couldn’t have left NYC without taking a high fashion picture with the urban grunge of New York City (SOHO). We absolutely love the cobble stone street and the various colors in the background. If you look at the bottom left corner, there were a number of cooks and servers loitering outside because they were on break. We used them in the following picture!

new york engagement photography

The staff was a little shy at first, but after much encouraging, we got them to line up for a picture. It was well worth it!

new york engagement photography

Good bye New York! We always <3 it there. Our cousins and many friends (including Parris Whittingham - a photographer) reside in that area. I will make a post on our random adventures with Parris and our dear cousins in another post. Thank you Tiffany and Ly for being such graceful subjects! We look forward to working with you in Cancun (Mexico) next year!!! Cheers, Lawrence - Contact Me!

P.S. Tiffany – Doug still remembers that you will hook him up with a girlfriend ;D

Furious Photographers | Furious Photographers Blog | Destination Wedding Photography | Wedding Photography Portfolio